What happens to your body when you drink old water?



Water may not deteriorate for
years, but we are talking only about 

The expiration date of this or that water is always printed on
plastic bottles, but few people pay attention to this.

But what does “old water” really mean? Is it water
that has been left for a couple of days, weeks, or months? 

Is it enough for the water to stand for one night to harm our

material has an informational and reference function! Before using any
products or services, you must consult with a specialist!

Bacteria in old water,
but they’re (mostly) yours

Water left in an open source (cup, glass) overnight cannot be
called clean due to dust, dirt and even insects that get into it.

Even sealed sources cannot be called clean, since everything on
our skin – sweat, dust, skin cells, saliva and even snot particles – can get
into the bottle after the first sip.


If you leave a bottle of water untouched for several hours, the
water can become harmful as bacteria quickly develop in it. This is
reported by Dr. Marc Leave, who advises drinking bottled water as quickly as
possible and getting rid of the bottle.

However, since most of it is your bacteria, you probably won’t get
sick, but you definitely shouldn’t share your bottle, for obvious reasons.

Direct sunlight

If the bottle is exposed to sunlight for a long time (for example,
if you left it in the car), the heat will significantly increase the rate of
bacteria growth.

In addition, some plastic bottles contain chemicals such as biphenyl
A, which can enter the water when exposed to sunlight. Some studies have
linked biphenyl A to certain health problems, such as high blood pressure.

Chances are you will not
get sick


Microbiologist Charles Gerber also
warns that bacteria on our fingers can also make water undrinkable,
so it’s best not to touch the neck of a bottle or the edges of a cup or glass
with your hands.

However, even bottles with an
unpleasant odor
 will most likely just contain your saliva or microorganisms
from your mouth, so don’t worry too much.

If you really care about bacteria
in old water, experts advise you to avoid touching the bottle
with your mouth
. Better to pour into a cup or drink without
touching the neck. 

Pay attention to the expiration
date of the
 water, as it really matters.

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