YouTube Introduces New “Video Chapter” Feature

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Have you
ever watched a long YouTube video and got frustrated that you didn’t find what you
were looking for? Yes, it happens a lot!! To cater to this problem, YouTube
heard its users and came up with an awesome solution for including the “video
” feature. This feature will help users to navigate and watch exactly
what they want in a video. The company announced its soft launch in April but 
receiving the positive response made it permanent on 28
th May 2020.

For using
this feature, the uploader will have to include timestamps, the first one will
start at 00:00 sec with the chapter name. The video must include three chapters,
each of 10 sec. The uploader will be asked to insert chapter names during the
upload so that more and more videos can have this feature.

On desktop
this will not be a big change as only the progress bar will have little breaks
and chapter names will be visible by hovering over them while on phones and
other platforms YouTube had to deal with the situation of thumb coming in the
way of where the chapters are. This situation is dealt with the haptic buzz in the
YouTube app on mobiles which will indicate the new chapter while the platforms
that don’t have haptic feedback snapping behavior will be used.
Watch this cooking video to
get an idea of this new feature of YouTube.

This feature
is useful as it saves time of people who are looking for some specific stuff
while on the other hand, it will reduce the overall watch time of the video as
viewers will only watch a particular part while they may skip the unwanted part of
the video.

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