Sharon Sara, a Fifth Grade U.S Student Wins Doodle for Google 2020 Contest

Google announced the contest in January of this year and invited students across the U.S to submit their doodles by March 20. The theme selected was “I Show Kindness By…” Thousands of participants submitted their creative ideas across the country, showing their feelings of empathy and warmth towards others. 


Artists were asked to submit their doodles using any material they want along with the statement showing what their doodle represents. Amazing prizes were also announced including a $30,000 college scholarship, a $50,000 technology package for their school/non-profit organization, the chance of getting their doodle displayed on Google’s homepage for a day along with Google hardware, and fun Googley swag. 


Sharon Sara of Frisco Texas came forward as the national winner of this contest. The title of her work was “Together as One” while her statement explaining the doodle was “I show kindness by sticking together with my friends in tough times. I drew people coming together and not thinking about the outside but being together because of their personality.” 


Sharon Sara, a Fifth Grade U.S Student Wins Doodle for Google 2020 Contest

Governor of Texas Greg Abbott sent a special message and congratulated Sharon on her win  

“Congratulations to Sharon Sara on winning this year’s national Doodle for Google competition and scholarship. Sharon’s artwork reminds us of the importance of unity and kindness towards others, especially during these challenging times. We look forward to joining the hundreds of millions of people across the country who will see this inspiring artwork displayed on the Google homepage. On behalf of the State of Texas, I want to say how proud we are of Sharon’s achievement, and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for this bright young Texan.” 


Google also congratulated Sharon and thanked all the students for sharing their kind words and ideas for the contest. 


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